Elon Musk Offered 150k to Appear in Weed Themed Porno

Elon Musk, who made big headlines a couple weeks ago when he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and took a hit off a rather large blunt, has reportedly been offered 150 thousand dollars to appear in a weed themed porno film, The Sun reports.

The studio, which is called XBlaze, specializes in making porn films that focus on weed. According to The Sun, in a letter addressed to Musk, XBlaze’s CEO Jeff Dillon first congratulates him on being a “fearless man with an adventurous spirit.” He then offers Musk 150K to appear on one of his films. The letter specified that he would not appear in a sexual role (phew) and the 150K would cover one full day’s work. 150 thousand is a lot of money for one day of work, but for a man like Musk this is mere pocket change.

Musk has not said that he would appear in the film yet and I would not expect him to, considering the hit his company took when he puffed on a doobie. On the other hand, Musk has done a lot of things this year that I would not have expected.

Source: The Sun

Image Source: teslarati.com

Would you watch a porno with Elon Musk in it? Do you think he’ll even appear in the film? Tell us in the comments!